Free Your Voice and Sing Again!

A fun, safe and nurturing community to share the joy and connection of singing in harmony

Your Joy Matters.

  • Are you unsatisfied with singing alone in your car or shower? 

  • Do you miss the fun and connection of communal singing (but not a formal choir)?

  • Would you rather learn to follow your ear than sheet music?

  • Is your creativity and self-expression waiting for a chance to shine?

Re-ignite Your Passion for Singing!

  • Share your voice in a safe and welcoming community

  • Fill your soul with uplifting pop, rounds, layer songs, call & echo, world music and sea shanties

  • Move while you sing: simple body percussion, “walking harmonies”

  • Learn to harmonize by ear, and “wing it”

  • Free your creative expression within a campfire vibe

I’m Sylvia.

I know what it’s like to have a song in your heart left unsung. In fact, I wrote a song about it: “Break The Dam Down”:

Check out my YouTube channel to see more of my songs, harmony tutorials, and clips from the choir and other community events.

As a child, I was classically trained and sang harmony in choir, and had the time of my life jamming with friends and singing in rock and folk bands in my twenties.  But then I shelved my music to focus on a “real” career and raise a family… and for many years, my creativity felt stifled. A cancer diagnosis at 40 helped me realize that the music in my soul could no longer be denied. Eventually, I left my government cubicle, picked up my ukulele and started singing again. I created empowering mantras that I sang every day to tame my inner critic, and started writing songs again with an unapologetic passion.  Now, I’m performing again on local stages, collaborating with other musicians, and leading community singing events and flash mobs… the joy of singing is back in my life in full force!

I created Sing Again community choir because I realized that my purpose is to help people with a song in their heart to free their voice, like I have, and sing with others in harmony (harmony is my thing). Since the summer of 2021, I’ve seen participants come out of their shell, find their unique  voice and expression, and gain confidence with harmonizing, improvising, and even just being heard. In this growing community, people feel free to be themselves, truly connect in song, and most of all, have fun singing again!

I have become a voice activist. In an age where people rely on the internet for music, communal singing has fallen by the wayside. I bring people together in song, and the more I see their joy and connection, the more I realize how important it is to sing together, in harmony. It’s in our very nature.

In October of 2023, I completed the Community Choir Leadership Training in Victoria, BC, and my Sing Again choir became part of the Ubuntu Choir Network, which shares the core belief that singing together is a human birthright… and that we can change the world in song.

Are You Ready to Sing Again?

Come to one of our community events and sing along;

Drop into my weekly group in Parksville, Nanoose Bay or Nanaimo, to see if you love it!

Or, become a member of the choir and get access to all three!

You can also Subscribe to my newsletter for occasional updates on community events, my harmony videos and other offerings and inspirations!

Featured in:

Route 19A Music Festival - opening performer, August 31, 2024

Naramata Centre - Musician in Residence, August, 2024

Parksville Qualicum Beach News: December 2022, August 2023, December 2023

Neighbours of Nanoose Bay Magazine, featured resident, Sept. 2024

Nanaimo Yacht Club - workshop and concert with Coco Love Alcorn, July 2024

CHLY 101.7FM Community Radio - Songwriter’s Circle, Harbour City Beat, June 2024

Knox Presents: Summer Singalong with Sylvia & Friends
with guest songwriter: Gerry Barnum, and featuring our Sing Again community choir, August 2023 (photo below)

McMillan Arts Centre - Community Christmas Singalongs, December 2022 & 2023, Concert with Lea Morris, March 2024

Nanaimo Ukulele Festival - Opening performer, May 2024

Craig Street Summer Night Market - featured performer Parksville Chamber of Commerce, July and August 2023, 2024

Parksville Beach Festival - performer / busker at the beachfront gazebo July and August, 2024

Knox United Church- guest congregational song leader, May 2024

El Faro Market, Parksville - Saturday concerts 2022, 2023

Parksville Museum - 40th Anniversary, Autumn Artisan Market, 2023

Qualicum Beach Museum: Children’s Day - August 2023 with the Sing Again community choir

Art In The Garden, Nanoose Bay - July 2021 & 2022

Berwick Qualicum retirement community, Arrowsmith Lodge care home, 2023, 2024

Canada Day in the Park - Parksville Chamber of Commerce - Singing of the National Anthem, July 2023, performer at the waterfront gazebo July 2024.

Tim Hortons Free Concert Series - community singalong, opening for The Glen Foster Group, Parksville Outdoor Theatre, August 2023

Satisfied Singers

see the video testimonials on the choir page…

“I have always wanted to be able to sing but I could never let anything come out that felt any good. Sylvia was so encouraging from the get-go. She started with something so simple, it made me feel like failure was impossible. I am amazed...I felt like I freed up part of myself that had been blocked all my life. I am so happy to have found a voice inside me and let it come out more. Sylvia made me feel like it is ok to sing; in fact it is important. She gave me confidence and I am so appreciative of her natural ability to teach, encourage, and lead. It is an honor to be in one of her classes because she simply has the most beautiful voice!! Thank you Sylvia!!”

—Denise, Nanoose Bay, BC

“Before joining Sylvia’s “Sing Again”, I would only sing in my shower or alone in the car. Now I feel confident enough to sing at every given opportunity! I would recommend joining Sylvia's singing group and see how it changes your confidence level and draws you into the feeling of unity and community, through song! Sylvia Humble is an absolute gem at bringing people together for a fun array of music genres and song choices, as well as encouraging everyone to shine in their own unique way.”

—Lauranne,  Parksville, BC

“I couldn't get past just singing softly in the last 5-10 years.  The sessions really helped with projecting my voice, and with feeling less inhibited. I'm so glad I pushed through those feelings of apprehensiveness, and took advantage of the opportunity. To me the sessions made such a difference in the quality and joyfulness in singing. Sylvia’s tips on things like singing with more efficiency and with resonance, made a big difference… my voice has become stronger and more versatile with a better range and more solidity in the styles of singing, be it a big soulful sound, or a more tender higher range.

Sing Again has essentially provided “Rocket Fuel” for my singing… making even just singing around the house a more enjoyable, vivid, and alive experience.

I love the holistic approach to teaching/coaching that Sylvia has. It is a gift she has, that is shared with others!  5 stars out of 5!”

—Rob, Nanoose Bay, BC

“I have loved being a part of Sylvia’s Sing Again group! Being out in the fresh air along with such a diverse group of individuals, all feeling free to release our best voices, has been soul quenching! I look forward to more of Sylvia’s competent, confident, compassionate leadership. I find myself singing for myself a lot more often, since being a part of Sing Again, as I now feel like I have a beautiful singing voice; thank you Sylvia ❤️”

—Erin, Parksville, BC

From singing along with my mom as a child, to a professional trio when I was older, singing has been a natural part of my life. In 2018, after a catastrophic medical event, speech therapy was necessary. I was devastated at the possibility of never being able to sing again.

I committed myself to “Sing Again” where I was encouraged to sing with whatever voice I had. Each week I became more confident and less afraid. Sylvia’s harmonies had our voices blending magically. I am now singing more capably and with less tension, and my ability to pick up harmonies has improved as that part of my brain got a good workout.

For me “Sing Again” is therapy for my voice as I challenge it to be its best at this time in my life. It feels wonderful to join others in sharing our love of singing and be part of the community.

—Anita, Parksville, BC

“I joined Sylvia’s Sing Again group a few months ago.  I was uncomfortable and self-conscious when I began.  I wanted to sing with more confidence and I dreamed about hitting those high notes.  Sylvia’s constant encouragement, positivity, and infectious enthusiasm helped me achieve those lofty goals.  I now enjoy using my strong voice and harmony styles. 

Sylvia introduced the group to a variety of singing techniques.  We practiced breathing and vocal exercises, a variety of harmony methods, and we experienced “circle singing” with improvisation.  We all had fun and laughed a lot!  Sylvia is thorough; when she introduces a new song, she provides lyrics, a recording of the song, and recordings of each vocal range. 

So, if you are interested in rekindling your passion for singing within a safe and nurturing environment, I recommend Sylvia’s Sing Again.”

—Terry, Nanoose Bay, BC

“I missed singing with others so much after two kids and a pandemic scuppered my time as a chorister. Sylvia created a super friendly and warm atmosphere for us all to reconnect with the joy of singing together. She made us feel supported and safe. We had fun together and it was a beautiful experience! I highly encourage anyone else with rusty pipes and a love for harmony to spend some time in the singing community being built by the talented Sylvia at Sing Again.”

— Katie, Nanoose Bay, BC

I’m not sure how long ago I stopped singing, but at the age of 74 it was certainly not a top priority to begin again. The odd time that I burst into song the sound was just an awful quivering croak. I met Sylvia on a dog walk and she convinced me to try out her singing classes and just enjoy finding my voice singing with a bunch of like-minded happy people who stepped out of our comfort zone to find freedom in singing. A big leap of trust on my part who was not convinced that I could sing with perfect pitch! However Sylvia’s classes turned out to be great fun, there was no pressure, just an easy acceptance, giving me the chance to find my own range in the harmonies of the songs. Sylvia’s classes are unique; finding one's voice and singing outside is a truly amazing experience.

—Victoria, Parksville, BC

Sing Again.

I believe that singing is our birthright; our song is our spirit’s sound, and sharing it with others is a precious gift to give and receive. 

Many of us felt the joy and belonging of singing in a community setting in our youth. The problem is, singing together has become less prevalent in our society, particularly in recent, more isolating times. And in choirs, many feel pigeon-holed into an assigned part with no room for improvisation. If singing is part of you, then you deserve to put the joy of singing and creative expression back into your life!

Take your song out of the shower. Join your voice in harmony with other human beings who share the love of singing, in a non-judgmental, encouraging community, and have fun! Click below to join our community choir - I’d love to welcome you into the circle!

My Services:

(other than my flagship “Sing Again” program)

  • Custom Singalongs

Bring some extra joy and connection to your special event or gathering. I provide the lyrics, and get you singing together in harmony, imperfectly!

Songs can be customized to your audience, and actions / movements / body percussion can be incorporated.

Singing for Wellness is of great interest to me, having worked with the Nanaimo Parkinsons support group, the Society of Organized Services, and various care homes.

  • Private coaching

One-on-one sessions to free your creative expression, or find your pitch, harmony, and confidence. Or, semi-private sessions to learn to sing in harmony on a song of your choice, whether for a performance or just for fun! I teach harmonies by ear, and provide recordings for your home practice.

Pricing: $60/hour private; $80/semi-private.

Location: at my home in Nanoose Bay, or yours, if you live locally.

  • Custom Singing Workshops

Are you planning an event or retreat where you would like to offer your guests an opportunity to learn to sing in harmony?

I can build a custom workshop for you, and teach easy-to-learn, harmony-rich layer songs, whether on the theme of the earth, the spirit, peace, healing, or all of the above. These songs, written by artists like Ma Muse, Melanie Demore, Lea Morris, Sarina Partridge, and others from the community singing movement, are easy to learn and accessible to all voices.

I have been collaborating with other artists to coordinate and deliver community singing workshops from Parksville to Victoria.

If you are interested in any of the above, please email me at and let’s talk!

(250) 713-2663


Connect with me on YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook and let’s keep “in tune”!

Let’s talk about singing!